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Top 5: Norwegian Candy

After a long discussion we have finally made a list of our favourite Norwegian candy. Some of them are more traditional and some are rather new inventions. All of these can be bought at the local grocery store.


Salted corn kernels covered in chocolate. In our opinion it is a perfect combination of sweet and salty. If you ask the younger generation some of them will refer to themselves as “Smash-addicts”. It is also said that it is impossible to only eat one.




This is one of the most traditional Norwegian pastries. There are many different types of Lefse, some are sweet and some are not. The one pictured below is soft and made with wheat flour, in between the layers there is butter, sugar and cinnamon. In Lise’s opinion the square ones, called “Klenning”, is the best. Of course, if you have the luxury of buying them fresh from the local bakery – do so.


Freia chocolate

We’re very proud of our milk chocolate here in Norway, and we feel that you just have to taste it. Freias slogan is “A little piece

of Norway” and it is quite suitable. The 200 gram chocolate plate comes in endless variations, just visit the store an check it out.




Thick potato slices with peel, super crispy and extremely tasty. All of us here at the reception love it, and we’re pretty sure you’ll love it too!


Kvikk LunsjKvikk lunsj

This is the Norwegian outdoor chocolate, we always take it with us when we’re out hiking. We have had it since 1937 and are extremely proud of it. It is four crispy biscuit bars covered in chocolate. It might look similar to KitKat, but we promise you it is so much better!

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