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Winter is Coming

Winter is coming… How many times have you heard that one the last couple of years? Not enough, if you ask us. Because we can’t wait!

September is over, and the fall has brought us colours only the magical post-summer can bring. Trees has gone from green to leaves of yellow, red, and orange. The nights are darker, but the skies are illuminated by the ever-mysterious veil of the Northern Lights. During the day, the dusk rain puts an alluring filter on our view that no photo app can copy.

The fall is a beautiful and spellbinding time in the north – but soon it’s time to express a wistful goodbye, and once again welcome the winter.


Activity Bonanza!

As I am looking out the window, snowflakes descend from the sky, but melt once they hit the ground. Even though the thermometer teased us with dropping below zero last week, it’s going to be a while until the snow dominates our landscapes. However, not all winter activities require snow – and some of them have already begun!


Chase the Northern Lights

You may have heard of it, and you might have it on your bucket list (you are most definitely not alone). Some of you have even told us that it is your biggest dream in life, and we have no doubt why: Witnessing the Northern Light is an extraordinary, wonderful, and enchanted experience.

When the green Lady Aurora dances in the sky, you can’t help but stare.

Photo: Tiller Foto


It does not come as a surprise that both Vikings and the Sami people had close connections with the phenomenon. The Vikings considered the light to be dancing virgins waiting for them in Valhalla, and in Sami tradition it represents a supernatural power in which our ancestors live. If you want to read more about the history and science behind the Northern Light (and some bonus tips for how to find it) – read our earlier blog post about it here.


Visit the giants of the sea

In November, the whale watching companies start doing their trips from Tromsø. Join them and get an experience for life!

A couple years ago, the sea right outside Tromsø was boiling with whales. Giant and humble Humpbacks hunt their herring together with playful and incredibly intelligent Orcas. The feeling of communicating with these astonishing animals is inexpressible – you must be there to understand!

Last year the whales moved a little bit north from Tromsø, and it’s difficult to predict where they will pop up this year. However, our professional partners know exactly what they are doing, and will do what they can to bring you to this mesmerizing experience.

When in Rome Tromsø

It’s said that Norwegians are born with skis on their feet. Whether that’s true or not, we do love skiing! Cross-country skiing is one of our favourite activities, and it’s very easy to learn. When snow falls, we’ll set you up with some guides and equipment – so you get to experience snow in the most local way there is. If you rather want to go snowshoeing, you are welcome to join and learn how to walk as a literal bigfoot!

When you’ve become a true Norwegian, we invite you to take a historical step into our culture.

Dog power has been used for hunting and travel for four thousand years. Be part of history, and experience a real arctic adventure when driving your own team of dogs at the edge of Tromsø. You will get help from a guide that will help you to become a real “musher”.

Reindeer sledding is the oldest known form for transportation in the north, and is a very central part of the Sami culture. The Sami are the indigenous people of the North, and experiencing a reindeer sled tour with a visit to the Sami camp is a perfect way to get to know their culture.

These are just some of the activities we recommend while visiting Tromsø during the winter. Check out our activity-page to see more, and read about the ones you are more curious of.

Welcome to the Winter Wonderland!

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Tromsdalen and the larger region